Many people suffer from chronic constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, leaky gut and other issues with the digestive system. Because the colon has an important job of eliminating waste, it’s critical that you keep it running smoothly.
Our green juice is full of natural fruits and vegetables that will help break down fats, oils and clogged foods in the colon. Because of this waste elimination you are also likely to see a reduction in weight too.
Apples – astringent helps to get rid of toxins in cells
Celery – full of natural sodium
Cilantro – removes metals from cells (mercury, nano bot tech, iron excess)
Parsley – opens up tubulars & nephrons of the kidneys to filtrate out
Cayene pepper -opens and dilates the artery walls to help blood flow and pump
Ginger – gets rid of free radicals in the body
Cucumber helps with hydration
Lemon – astringents pull and tug on mucus through the cellular walls
Ingredients: Apple, lemon, lime, cucumber, ginger, celery, parsley, cilantro
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Colon Cleanse
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